Page 15 - XLEquine - Plan Prevent Protect - Biosecurity Booklet

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limit the amount of shared airspace between quarantined horses and the general population – ideally by placing the isolation stalls in
a separate building away from ALL other animals both stabled, turned out and those walking past;
limit movement of insects, by screening doors and windows and using insecticidal sprays;
equip the quarantine facility with separate feeding, mucking out and grooming equipment and separate drain for emptying water
buckets and separate muck heap for disposing of bedding and uneaten food;
if possible, your quarantine barn/area should be downwind of your main barn/stables;
prevent horses putting heads out over doors; especially important with respiratory disease as nasal secretions are often the primary
means of spread of disease;
access should be restricted to only essential personnel and all animals; dogs, cats and horses should be kept away;
handle the quarantined horses last in the daily routine; i.e. after handling of all other horses is complete (to reduce potential
spread of disease);
keep a log of all people entering the isolation facility.
2. Setting up a quarantine/isolation facility:
REMEMBER quarantine is not strictly for sick or new horses, horses that have left the yard for showing or breeding purposes also
have the potential to bring home disease.
Horses in isolation should be handled by separate staff or attended to last; protective
clothing should worn and left in the isolation area.
Ideally the isolation area should be in a separate building.
Yard biosecurity plan: preventing disease
needs attention
already in place
not applicable
Plan. Prevent. Protect