Small Talk - Winter 2018

by Guy Gordon BVM&S MRCVS Donald S McGregor and Partners Ltd Neutering Advice Neutering T he general word for surgical removal of a pet's reproductive organs is neutering. More specifically we castrate males and spay females. 10 small talk Traditional reasons for neutering: l To prevent unwanted pregnancies l To stop bitches spotting blood l Reduce the risk of some diseases such as womb infection, certain cancers and transfer of communicable diseases l Hopes of reduced canine antisocial behaviour such as roaming, same sex aggression and ‘mating cushions’ l Hopes of reducing feline antisocial behaviour such as calling, urine spraying and fighting. For cats this situation is little changed in our modern age but with dogs other considerations are also best taken into account. (Other species such as rabbits and ferrets will not be considered in this article.)