Small Talk - Summer 2018

Pet vaccination By Keith Barrand BVetMed CertSAM CBiol MRSB CertAVP(VetGP) CertAVP(GSAS) MRCVS Fenwold Veterinary Practice Ltd I t is correctly called Infectious Laryngotracheitis, and is caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses that cause a harsh, dry cough. What are the signs? A harsh dry cough which sounds like your dog has something stuck in their throat. Sometimes the cough will trigger a gag/ choke reflex. Other than having a cough most dogs are not ill with KC. Some dogs may have a runny nose or discharge from their eyes, and be off their food. Is it dangerous? KC is usually not particularly serious, but like respiratory illnesses in people, vulnerable dogs may be at risk of complications such as pneumonia. Vulnerable dogs include the old, the young, and dogs with other illnesses. KC is a nuisance-disease and the cough can persist for several weeks. How is it caught? KC is very infectious. It is usually caught in the same manner that we might catch a cold i.e. breathing in the infection on droplets of moisture coughed or sneezed out by an infected dog. It can also be transmitted by shared bowls, toys etc. The incubation period is 2-14 days. Some dogs may be infected without showing signs. As an infectious disease spread by close contact, dogs coming into contact with other dogs are at most risk. This includes: dogs in kennels, at shows, or at puppy classes. How is it diagnosed? It is usually diagnosed by the typical signs present. Occasionally, other tests such as a throat swab may be used. How is it treated? Cough suppressants and anti-inflammatory treatment may make your dog feel better while the disease runs its course. Avoiding the use of a collar and lead may help, as pressure on the throat may cause a coughing fit. Can my dog have KC more than once? Yes. The wide variety of different causes of KC means that it is like colds in people. Can I catch KC? One of the bugs causing KC is related to the cause of Whooping Cough but is not considered infectious to people. If you have a cough at the same time as your dog it is a coincidence. Should I have my dog vaccinated? The most effective vaccine is given in the form of nasal drops, annually. Vulnerable dogs should be vaccinated - discuss with your vet. Kennel cough The term ‘Kennel Cough’ (KC) is a very broad term which refers to any infectious cough in the dog. Some boarding kennels and dog walkers insist on KC vaccination.