Small Talk - Summer 2018

by Dan Lewis BVSc CertAVP MRCVS Capontree Veterinary Centre l Almost every dog or cat will become infested at some time during their life. l Fleas feed on blood from either our pets or ourselves! In young puppies or kittens this can be life threatening. l In adults the main problem is irritation and skin allergy problems. l As fleas are very small they can be difficult to see; the best way to check is to look for flea dirt in the coat. Flea dirt appears as small black specks composed of dried blood. l You can do this by combing through your pets' coat onto a wet piece of paper or cotton wool. If the specks turn red/brown your pet has fleas. l Successful flea treatment depends on all year round control. l Only about 5% of fleas live on your pet at any time, the rest are in your house! l Regular vacuuming and washing of your pet's bedding can remove a large part of the problem (60 degree wash). Flea infestation continues to be a common problem in pets Fleas & Ticks Parasite Awareness