Small Talk - Autumn 2017

Nothing is set in stone until you teach it to the dog. Teaching a deaf dog to ‘check in’ with you regularly is a great help when it comes to recall. Many people find it odd that an owner of a deaf dog will still talk to the dog. Talking to your deaf dog is important as it keeps your body language and facial expressions true which means it is far easier for the dog to understand. Between each other, all dogs read body language it is part of how they communicate. It has to be said that dogs in general are far better at reading us than we are them. If you are considering bringing a new dog into your life please do not pass by the deaf dogs. There are many in rescues around the UK in search of a home where in most cases it is purely the fact they are deaf which is keeping them from being adopted. Owners of deaf dogs will tell you that the relationship they have is very special, different to that with a dog which has hearing. A common question asked by those who find themselves with a deaf dog is how to communicate - the answer is to use sign language. “ “