Livestock Matters - Winter 2014 / 2015 - page 6

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XLVets has been presented with the RABDF Prince Philip Award Certificate of Merit by
His Royal Highness at Buckingham Palace. The honour was made to the XLVets group
for research and development in the field of dairy farming at the Livestock Event 2014.
‘We feel honoured and privileged to win
this award for our exhibit featuring 'Make
your Farm your Fortress', a campaign
designed to put biosecurity at the top of
farmers’ to-do lists,’ said Stuart Gough of
XLVets Calweton Veterinary Group.
‘The exhibit demonstrated in detail the
campaign's first aspect - BVD, which is
present in over 80% of both dairy and
beef herds. BVD triggers general
immunosuppression, and whilst animals
can be symptom-free it has a profound
impact on health and productivity. White
BVD CHECK TAGS can be applied to
individual animals as part of routine
ear-tagging that harvest tissue for virus-testing.
All those animals testing negative are
introduced to a nationwide central database
developed by XLVets, a facility which can
be accessed by farmers, vets, auctioneers
and processors alike.’
RABDF president, Prof David Leaver says:
‘The RABDF Prince Philip Award is for
innovations in the field of dairy farming
and the industry benefits greatly from such
research and developments by supply
companies like Genus ABS (the overall
winner) and XLVets. The new products
developed by these companies clearly
have the potential to increase the
productivity of dairy farming in the UK,
and to improve our competitiveness in
the global marketplace.’
Pictured below from left to right,
Stuart Gough
, Calweton Veterinary
Dan Humphries
, Lambert
Leonard & May and
HRH Prince Philip.
at Buckingham Palace
XLVets at the Welsh Winter Fair
Simon Allen, Allen & Partners joined the MSD
Animal Health stand to promote the XLVets BVD
Check Tag scheme to visitors at the event. Read the
BVD special feature in this issue to find out more
about the scheme and tackling BVD on-farm.
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