Page 13 - Livestock Matters - Spring 2011

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For example, cows are blood-tested each
spring for evidence of exposure to infectious
diseases. The herd is naïve to the BVD virus,
and has a low circulation of the IBR virus so
these diseases are monitored for, but not
vaccinated against. Johnes disease testing has
not revealed any carriers in the herd either.
However, a vaccination strategy is in place
for leptospirosis.
Andrew is a great advocate of straw yards,
and the positive impact on comfort and health
for his cows which typically stay housed for 6
months of the year. He explains: ‘Loose housing
is more of a management challenge than
cubicles. We put up a new shed four winters
ago and have controlled mastitis well with
only 30 cases per 100 cows, and cell counts
below 200,000.’
The system is also beneficial in reducing
lameness incidence. Andrew's herd has been
part of an ongoing Bristol University study for
the past three years and has one of the lowest
levels of lameness recorded.
Mike Thorne adds: ‘Andrew manages the herd
very well, and pays a lot of attention to the
detail. The stocking rate in the straw yards is
good, and cows are bedded up well enough
to prevent cell counts rising from environmental
pathogens like Streptococcus uberis.
‘Another example of Andrew's perfectionist
approach is in the milking routine. The pre and
post milking protocol is strictly adhered to. In
addition, he has been flushing out the clusters
in between cows for the past five years, after
noticing mastitis cases tended to always arise
in the back left teat. This meant cow-to-cow
cross-infection was occurring, and has now
stopped thanks to the cluster cleaning.’
Mike adds: ‘The cows also get a lot of fuss
here, and always come over to see what you
are doing.
‘Andrew is quick to get on the phone to me
if there is a problem. Good communication
is an important part of a good farmer-vet
working relationship.’
With herd health well under control, Andrew's
next focus for improvement is grazing and
forage supplies. He would like to install cow
tracks and more water troughs, and build
a bigger silage clamp to cut back on
bought-in feeds.
Andrew is quick to get on the phone to me if there
is a problem. Good communication is an important
part of a good farmer-vet working relationship...
Cows are bedded up well enough to prevent cell counts rising
from environmental pathogens like Streptococcus uberis