Page 9 - Equine Matters - Autumn 2013

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Figure 4.
X-ray of EOTRH with destruction of
tooth enamel
Figure 5.
EOTRH with severe gum disease
and loose teeth
anchoring the tooth in place. Many of these
teeth do not require extraction and should only
be removed after careful veterinary assessment.
If a tooth falls out there will be a gap in the
gum and the tooth opposite this will have no
tooth to grind against. Without the normal
wear caused by grinding, this tooth will grow
tall into the gap. After a few years this tooth
may grow into the gum and cause damage.
These problems of wear and gum disease can
also affect the incisor (front) teeth. Loss of or
damage to these front incisors may affect the
horse's ability to graze, especially on short
grass. Although horses are able to manage
without these incisors very well provided their
cheek teeth are in reasonable condition and
with correct dietary management.
Older horses can be affected by a disease
of these incisors that may be related to
chronic gum infection. The disease known
as Equine Orthodontic Tooth Reabsorption
and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) involves a
destruction of the tooth enamel and reaction
around their roots (Figures 4 and 5). The gum
around the incisor teeth may be swollen with
severe gingivitis and marked tartar formation.
This is a painful disease and may require
incisor tooth extraction or antibiotics.
Figure 3.
Old teeth worn to roots with
The molar and premolar (cheek) teeth are
tightly packed together so the row of teeth
act as a single grinding surface. Equine teeth
are narrower at the root and as such, as the
horse gets older and teeth erupt, gaps start
developing between the teeth. These gaps
(or diastema) allow food to become trapped
between the teeth and can lead to very
painful gum disease (periodontal disease)
(Figure 2). Signs of which include bad breath
(halitosis), quidding (dropping food), weight
loss and pouching of food in the cheeks.
Affected horses are also more likely to
develop choke and impaction colic due to
poor chewing of fibre.
As teeth wear down towards the root, they
may become loose and displace into the soft
tissues causing ulcers (Figure 3). They can
become so loose that they may actually fall
out. When a horse has diastema (gaps
between the teeth), the periodontal disease
can damage the ligament holding the teeth
in place, and the loss of teeth may be
accelerated. When examining older patients,
it is common to identify movement in many
or most of the teeth due to the limited root
Dentistry in the geriatric equine requires
a sympathetic approach and careful
management. As a general rule a little
work to specific areas is the best approach.
Correction of overgrowths such as
wavemouth or large hooks may not be
appropriate as such reductions are likely
to remove areas of teeth that are functioning
in grinding fibre.
Approach and
aims of dentistry
in old horses
Work carried out should involve:
reduction of any sharp enamel points
that are likely to cause soft tissue
assessment of loose teeth and removal
only if required;
examination of focal overgrowths and
correction only if causing injury or
affecting, or likely to affect, the horse's
ability to eat;
examination for the presence of
diastema (dental mirror may be
required) and appropriate treatment.
Although the amount of dental
work required may be relatively
minimal, it is essential the older
horse or pony has regular and
careful dental assessment. The
intervals between dental care
will depend on the dental health
of each patient and you should
discuss this with your vet.
As horses and ponies get older and their
teeth become worn down, their ability to
chew and eat long fibre, such as hay, will
reduce. Many older horses will not eat
hay or long fibre at all, or if they do, may
not chew it effectively.
This inability to chew long fibre will have
a serious effect on older horses, especially
over winter when there is no grass or
grass of little nutritional value.
Dietary care is essential for these
older ponies and must be considered
alongside routine dental care.
Dietary care