Page 17 - Equine Matters - Autumn 2013

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What happens to my
horse’s body?
You can chose to use a fallen stock service or
a pet crematorium. With the latter you can
have your horse’s ashes back at an extra cost.
If you want to bury your horse’s body you
need to request permission from your local
Trading Standards office - which has a set of
guidelines about the burial site.
What is the overall cost
likely to be?
The costs are significant and will vary greatly
depending of the options chosen and the
local availability of services. It is worth
researching the local options and costs in
advance to help with the planning and
decision making.
Should I stay with my
horse while he is put to
This is a very personal choice and should
be based on understanding what happens
during the euthanasia procedure and whether
you will be better to say goodbye before,
during or after. Many people feel a sense of
loss after their horse has been euthanased
because very often they form a large part of
their daily routine and social life.
Allow companions to
grieve too
If after euthanasia a horse, pony or donkey
leaves behind a close friend the body
collection should be delayed to allow them
time to accept that a death has occurred.
Insurance companies
It is important to clarify what type of insurance
cover you have for your horse before
euthanasia. To be eligible for mortality
insurance the reason for euthanasia has to
follow the guidelines laid down by the British
Equine Veterinary Association. Your vet will
be able to advise you about this. It is worth
remembering that most insurance companies
will request a post mortem to be carried out.
Notification of death
The passport issuing authority should be
notified of the horse’s death as should your
veterinary practice to avoid upsetting vaccine
reminders arriving.
The crucial factor is to always remind yourself
that it is the quality of life of your beloved
horse that is important. We have to do what
is best for our horses and not hold on to them
because we know that, understandably, we
are going to be sad about their departure.