Cushing's Disease Booklet

03 How to spot the signs and symptoms l Most dogs will drink more water than normal and urinate more frequently . Some dogs can appear to be incontinent as a result of this. l An increased appetite is also common. Your pet may appear to be ravenous all the time. l Many cases develop a pot belly , so appear to be putting on weight. This is due to the abdominal muscles becoming thinner and weaker, and the liver becoming larger. The spine can become more prominent too. l Panting and lethargy are also signs that can be associated with this condition. Your pet may be less willing to go for walks and seem more breathless when they do go out. l Skin problems may occur . Some dogs develop bald patches or skin infections, and the skin can appear to be thin especially over the belly area. Not every dog shows all the signs of Cushing’s disease. Some only show one or two signs, especially in the early stages. Cortisol acts on many tissues in the body, so there are many possible symptoms associated with Cushing’s disease. Uncover the signs of Cushing’s disease